INGIN Community

At INGIN Airways, we beleive that Virtual Airlines like ours have a moral reponsibility to do their part in creating the better society we all dream of, "INGIN Community" can be any place where our presence as a virtual airline can be felt, whether through a flight simulation or perhaps in places where our virtual pilots or their friends live.

Our goal is help provide sunstained oppertunities for virtual pilots in these communities to lead respectable and dignified lives.

INGIN supports educational & training departements and non-profit organizations whose objectives center on and arround real flight simulation creation.

Welcome again aboard INGIN Airways Virtual Airline.

Best wishes.

Kareem Moheyeldeen Alashrey
INGIN Airways VA President & Founder

Our Forums

Kindly visit us and be a member of our forum and share us your knowledge on

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English Forum Version: Coming soon...